suckrut [ 2004-06-03, 1:37 p.m. ]

Hi Diary,

Have not felt much like writing. Guess I am in another rut. Cried a lot all weekend, STILL. Shouldn't I stop doing that?

Okay, okay, I know, not supposed to judge myself so harshly. Will stop hurting when it stops. But damn it's taking a long time. And I guess that Frank isn't going to call me, it's been about two weeks since his last drop-off.

I guess there's a part of me that wishes he would call and want to get back together, because I certainly don't want to have another one of those "friends" conversations where he tells me he bought a new tablecloth after he stubbed his toe and I'm on the other end going, really, huh. Because in a lot of ways that's even more painful than not hearing from him at all. So I guess this is for the best.

Some kind of meatball smell is wafting in the window.

I just found out there might be a problem with work allowing me to go to the training. Yes, this is a problem. For some reason BossMan is really pissed at me, though I don't know why. I guess it doesn't matter. If they say I can't go, I will just have to quit. And seeing how there won't be adequate time to give a two-week notice, I guess that won't happen. But, I am kind of sick of Bossman and GreedyPants and the rest of this crew, and the fact that I haven't been able to get a raise or any new and workable office equipment in three years, so maybe I shouldn't worry about it.

Oh, P.S., also had a message from CF this morning, "How you doing SWEETIE SWEETIE hope you're well SWEETIE give me a call when you can I really want to talk to you SWEETIE blah blah blah." No doubt she wants something.

Have not called back.

Apathetically yours,


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