responses [ 2005-08-24, 12:43 a.m. ]

Hi Diary,

I put my profile back online, and I've gotten 4 responses already. But it's hard to choose. I wonder what these guys that responded see in me, because by reading their profiles, I don't see much in common. But maybe they see something in me that they do not express in their profiles. Hmm.

(Big sigh).

I am just in (another) rut and nothing seems to make it better. I am absolutely exhausted no matter how much sleep I get. I think I am depressed. Big time.


Well, I guess I can pick one of these guys, there is only one that I am attracted to physically really by the pictures... and I just have the feeling that whichever guy I choose will be the wrong guy. Isn't that terrible?

What is the harm? I'm sure whoever I go out with will just provide fodder for more interesting entries on Diaryland.


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