yay for me [ 2005-09-14, 8:50 p.m. ]

Hi Diary,

Well, I'm doing my best. I've gone to the grocery story many times over, attempting to stock up on better food. You have no idea what an accomplishment it is for me to have a decent meal, with vegetables on a plate! I'm a little proud of myself.

Not to mention I also went to the gym today... at my old work, to work out with GymMan. This is a good set up, a "free" gym membership, of sorts... but the only thing is, I can only go when GymMan is there, so I really can't create my own schedule. On the other hand, that might be good, because it requires me to make an appt. with him and show up on time... so that's a commitment. But then there is his tendency to kiss all over me in the elevator. A kiss hello is okay, but I have a feeling that GymMan wants a little more. He always goes to kiss and hug me in the elevator, and I assume that is because there are no cameras in the elevator...

Err... hope THAT doesn't turn ugly like the Simon fiasco...

So yeah, I worked out a bit, I've gained some weight but more importantly I'm not feeling my best. I need exercise to keep me busy.

Then I came home and made calls for an hour and a half. Things look like they might be coming together... just maybe...

So yay for me, Diary!


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