up all night [ 2006-02-18, 5:07 a.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Okay I have given up on sleep tonight. There is something really, very wrong with me. Michael took me to his homeopathic doctor, and that guy sent me home with a hormone test. I have to spit in these little tubes the next time I get my period, and mail them to a lab, then apparently Michael is going to pay for my treatment with this doctor.

That's all fine and good, except with the spit test I'm supposed to send a check of almost $300. I don't know where I'm going to get that. I'll either have to ask my Mom again, or definitely get that job.

I looked online tonight, but didn't see anything. So I might have to go to a temp agency.

Well, I guess I'll just stay up as long as I can, so I can try to shift my sleeping habits to a normal person's.

I'll probably write later.


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