must be done [ 2006-03-14, 12:15 a.m. ]

Hello Diary,

Look I'm updating again! I got quite a bit of work done in the past couple of days. I still have to organize all my stuff for my taxes, which I really don't even want to think about. But it must be done.

This morning I woke up from a weird dream. I was climbing trees; and trying to get down. Then I was hiding in some lady's basement, but she found me and pulled me out by my wrist. It was very disturbing.

Today I wrote outlines and proposals and a whole bunch of stuff, along with sending emails. I have a lot more to do, but at least I feel I'm doing my best.

I'm going to see Wis tomorrow. He just said he wanted to see me sooner than later. So we'll meet up for lunch. He's cute, he called me three times the next day, and a couple of times today.

Talk to you later, Diary...

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