squalor management [ 2007-10-05, 4:30 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

The good news is I have cleaned up about half the squalor. The other half is much more dense, cluttered and confusing, so I think that will take a bit more effort. But I started feeling better somewhere in the middle of cleaning... I guess clearing your house also clears your mind. No wonder I feel stuck and yucky, when my house looks like a bomb went off inside.

Also, I think I am doing very well on the fast so far. Today I am only allowed to eat 1/3 of what I would normally eat. I have had breakfast and lunch, and although I feel hungry, I don't feel that crazy. So it's good.

I was also very brave and told a client who has been avoiding payment with me, that he needs to start making payments. This is a very big thing for me, since I am often "too nice". He may not be very happy with the arrangement, but it's not my problem. Does he expect me to continue to work and provide service without payment? hello!

I have to leave in about an hour to do a presentation. Only four people registered. I want more people there, so I am trying to imagine the room full.

I guess I need to get going, so I'll have to work on manifesting that in the shower.


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