jeans et al [ 2008-01-13, 6:33 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

My cough seems worse today, and my head hurts terribly. This is like no cold I ever had- no sore throat or sniffles, so I'm not really sure it's a cold. I thought it was allergies, or just exhaustion and stress, and now I'm not sure. It probably is connected to exhaustion and not sleeping, so I'm going to try to get more rest as of... right now.

Spent the afternoon with Stacey, but not feeling well made it hard to enjoy the time. She took me out to lunch but I didn't even enjoy the food, and you know that's just not like me.

I didn't quite realize how thin I'd gotten, but now my "fat" jeans are slipping down below my hips and dragging on the ground. I only thought of them as "fat" jeans because they were a roomy size above what I used to wear, and I could usually squeeze into them (and only them) when I was a bit on the pudgy side. But now they are just too big to even wear, and my "thin" jeans are also quite roomy... and my "skinny" jeans seem to fit the best. Yes, all these classifications of jeans...

So I don't know if this has happened because I'm not eating well (I admit, I have not been doing very well in making sure I get proper nutrition-) or if my body has burned a lot of calories because I'm no longer scarfing down sugar 5 times a day. I definitely have to get back on the ball as far as taking care of myself and eating right.

Also I made two appointments for this coming week, and have some presentations coming up, so I have a lot of stuff to get organized. Slowly, slowly, everything coming into place... I know I will do well this year, it's just a matter of recovering a bit from all the emotional stress (which seems to have lessened) and to just make some effort around work.

Now I'm just going to lie down for a good chunk of the day until I feel better.


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