how to make myself happy, pt 1 [ 2008-03-17, 3:44 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Slept in today, read a couple of chapters of "How To Love Your Partner Without Losing Yourself" and then went for a walk. Am trying to meditate while walking lately- just bringing myself into a state of peace.

Interestingly enough, I had a dream that Grace was trying to convince me what a good lover Alphie is and I was just laughing at her!

After my walk I made a few business calls, ate breakfast (quite late, I admit) and just finished making out several checks to pay bills. It is always a good feeling to get those bills paid...

Now I really have to finish up the last of my taxes, which of course I am procrastinating about. But I know it will feel so damn good when I am done, and then I can focus on so many other projects that I have to finish!

So, I should just get that out of the way. I also need to run to the grocery store, and since I'm not leaving the neighborhood today, I might pick up a movie. It's nice not to have to run anywhere today- there's plenty of appointments and work going on tomorrow.

Today, I was just sitting here and wondering how to love myself. I honestly don't know. I woke up to a day of possibilities and it seems I don't know how to make myself happy. So I am also going to focus on finding some activities that accomplish that for me. I've thought about doing some artistic projects, but that's going to require some more cleaning here so I can actually have the space to do them.

So, taxes first....


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