the value of sleep [ 2008-04-05, 3:39 a.m. ]


Dear Diary,

I have to get up early for work tomorrow, so of course I can't sleep now at all. Nope. Early mornings are not for me, and I should know better than to commit to anything.

I've already tried numerous things- if I lie here long enough, I notice my mind starts to go to crazy things- M, Louie, Gail, Delia... all the people who make me angry. So I tried some anger release, to no avail... then reading... and then meditation... and I'm still awake. Shit.

Oh well. It's just energy, it will move on. I will be able to pull through tomorrow, even if I only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It will suck, but I'll still get through it.

I don't know ANYTHING. I will just keep working, and I'm looking forward to seeing Keith in May. I'll arrange my schedule and all my appointments ahead of time and try to make as much money as I can... I will try to make this the best summer EVER as far as income is concerned, and I will do whatever I can to make my "inner child" happy-

And, I called Beverly tonight. She is not so good at staying in touch and in general gets very depressed. But we spoke, she's been having a hard time, having 5 kids and three of them are in college now. She said she and her husband are very broke. We talked about maybe going camping this summer, and that sounds like a lot of fun to me! I want to have fun. It's been a long winter.

So, fun things to do this summer:

1. Work hard and make lots of MONEY!
2. Make my inner child happy.
3. Do creative things.
4. Go camping.
5. See Keith.
6. Visit Delia?
7. Date someone?
8. Make more MONEY!

Well, that will be it. And now, I wish for sleep. Sweet, sweet sleep.

Never underestimate the value of sleep people!!! It is oh so important.

Trust me.


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