hate my bank [ 2008-08-08, 3:21 p.m. ]


I promised myself I could sleep in today, and I still had a lot to get done. However, I got two notices in my mailbox- one from my internet provider, and one from the bank. Now I know I slipped up a little on sending the check for the internet, but I did send it a few days late. However I have been getting the automated calls that I am behind on my account. I figured they would get the check any day now and get over it. But today I get a notice that they are going to cancel my service?? Insane. So I have to call and figure that whole thing out- no, they got the check, but I owe a $5 late fee. Are you fucking kidding me? You are going to cancel my service for $5?

Okay. Then, this is the second time this has happened to me with this bank. In the time I've had my account at this place, it has gone through three incarnations, being bought out by different banks. Different name, I have to get new checks, etc. But only since they became THIS bank, have I gotten an overdraft notice. I am convinced that somehow this bank is slower- or faster- or something... because I keep very good records, and I don't write checks when the money isn't there. And now I have been charged $105 for overdraft.

So. Friggin. MAD!

Ugh. Other irritations include not being able to do laundry today, due to taking all afternoon arguing with said bank... and getting no sun time. I seem to have also lost one of my three laundry bags- how do you lose a laundry bag? Which is going to make it difficult to actually get all the wash done.

But, at any rate, I am still going to dance class tonight. And I'm a little surprised that Paul has not called after staying so late last night.



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