goat dreams [ 2009-01-11, 1:28 p.m. ]


Dear Diary,

Well after being up for awhile I did get back to sleep...

Had a some very intense dreams, one, that my mother and I went to New York City, I think she was actually driving a taxi at one point, and she pulled it up on the sidewalk and I had to tell her you can't park on the sidewalk. And at one point we stopped at some kind of stand that sells desserts dipped in chocolate and sprinkles and things, and one of the desserts looked like a pill bottle.

Then I woke up and fell back asleep and dreamed some more, of a little bug that kept making this whistling noise, and then I realized it was me breathing and my nose was making that noise. And I was on a train, I guess the little bug turned into a little furry thing of some sort and was following me and biting my skirt. And a guy in one of the seats of the train said he had something for the little guy to play with, and he gave him the case that was holding his iPhone, which the little furry thing held like a book. Next thing you know I was outside, with Phoebe from 'Friends', and we were talking to the iPhone guy who was sitting in an orange-red car and laughing at my jokes. The furry thing was in Phoebe's purse and started to run away, first the whole purse bouncing and then him escaping. I was shouting to everyone that he was running away, I couldn't really chase him because I was wearing high heels, and when I looked not only had Phoebe turned to Rachel, but she was on crutches as well. So that left just the iPhone guy to chase the little animal, who had now turned into a baby goat. And there was a mother goat there who was all upset rubbing up against me for some kind of comfort, which I was wary of because she had big horns.

And then I woke up and I have NOT a clue what any of that means. But it was all pretty intense and has taken awhile to wake up. I remember having a dream with a goat in it a couple of years ago which I wrote about here. I wonder if that means things going on with a Capricorn, because that's right before I met M.

I have to work today and I don't know how that's going to go at all, I suppose it is one of those days of doing the best I can do, so that's what will happen...

I'll be checking in later.


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