the problem with Shelby... not really a problem [ 2009-12-21, 5:49 p.m. ]


Dear Diary,

I slept till 1pm and of course had a nightmare... something creepy about this place, a big mansion of sorts, but it had like hospital labs in it, and it was creepy and I couldn't figure out how to escape and leave the building. And there were these little beings covered in plastic with hacksaws, ready to cut people up... it was super creepy and scary! Did I mention that it was creepy??

I sat around for a bit and then decided I'd do laundry... I need to pack and get organized, I'm going to go pick my stuff up out of the dryer in just a moment! Oh joy.

I talked to Shelby today too. I called him when I woke up, and I guess he called me back 40 minutes later, but my phone didn't have reception, so I spent 2 or 3 hours being worried.

There's really no crisis between 'us'. Basically he is really having trouble taking care of himself, and hasn't been able to figure out his calendar, and that was the problem... He wants to see me.

I was so relieved that of course I don't mind if he needs more time to figure it out. I am also amazed at where I went with it... right to my place of "I'm gonna get left"... But that is my pattern of thinking and behaving. I watched myself go there. I guess it just shows that I have more work to do!

At any rate, I have to get my laundry and then I have to go to work... bleh. Vacation time is almost here!


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