more cleaning blah blah blah [ 2010-03-23, 1:18 a.m. ]

Woke up at 8:30 this morning, pretty awake... but somehow morning time goes fast. I washed dishes, and threw out more stuff. Got the urge to go through the hall closet and see what I had there- cremes and soaps and things, luckily I found extra packs of bath salts and fancy soaps to give Steffy as a gift- I don't think I've seen her since before Christmas, and I missed her birthday-

The first 6 days of March I know everybody who's having a birthday, and it's a little much. Plus I am trying to be frugal, if I can, focusing on paying my debt and saving for the summer seminar, and I can't just be buying everyone birthday presents. I made a necklace for Marva, and thought I'd do the same for Steffy, only I called her on the phone to suggest we get together after Gia has gone, and she mentioned that she has a Christmas gift for me. Christmas? Crikey. So anyhow she's getting soap and bath salts I found in my closet. I have too much anyway, more than I'll go through anytime soon.

I also cleaned the top shelf of my wardrobe, tossing out a couple of things and putting another whole stack in the goodwill bag. There was barely enough time to send off a bunch of work emails and eat a bowl of cereal before heading off to work!

I forgot to mention that I was having cramps all day and thinking I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE IT! I mean really, now I have turned into one of those women who is either having her period or about to get it. I have my cycle, then I ovulate immediately afterward (sometimes when I'm still bleeding) then the next week my tits hurt and then I get it again.... Are you fucking kidding me???@@!%^##@@#

It's making me nuts. At this point, if my period comes 5 days earlier like it did this month, it will arrive on exactly the day I'm having a date with Shelby. I WILL FREAK THE FUCK OUT, is all I have to say about that. This is starting to feel really unfair, Universe.

I went to work, met with a client, then worked with Carla, who always just makes me feel worse. I need to tell her she can't work without notes. She is just not good at tracking time, or other peoples' attention spans, and she either goes too fast or too slow... oh well oh well.

On the way home I had to call John and talk to him, because he said there was an issue... now it seems we are done with the story of me having a problem with him, and he was asking what we should do about working together considering his feelings for me... I was not at all clear on what that meant and asked him to elaborate, knowing it could either mean an irritation or an attraction... and he said, "Romantic feelings." I told him in that case we should probably work together as little as possible unless it could not be avoided. Truthfully I am tiring of John a bit and I feel this just leaves the door open for more drama, so it is best to make our contact, especially that of any "alone time", as minimal as possible.

After that was settled we switched to different, random topics, which I intuitively felt was necessary for John to feel comfortable, so we talked about gluten free food and weather and other things. I had a feeling he could just talk to me forever (a la Inez) and so I said goodbye after a good half hour and that was that.

Somehow I thought I would have a little cereal, lie down and watch Nurse Jackie and go to sleep, but somehow I managed to get sucked into the internet, and now I hope I can get to sleep...

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