accomplishments, dreams and my pushup [ 2010-04-05, 9:34 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

A day of things accomplished-

Slept pretty late today. I was a bad girl in not going to bed at a proper time last night. This morning I had a dream with Shelby in it- we were in bed, but then he said he was going to be right back and he didn't come back. I got up to find him, he was taking a shower and whilst there looked a lot like Alphie (in real life, they might look like cousins). In any case, it was an abandonment dream, and I went off to comfort myself by holding something against my stomach. Two little kids came over and I was talking to them. Shelby showed up again and made a point of acknowledging that I was holding something against my stomach.

I had other dreams too, but that's the one I really remember. Maybe it's about me taking the time to comfort myself? Seems like it. To make it weirder, there was a message from FB that Shelby finally decided to accept my friend request. Interesting because that man is too busy to be on FB, but the morning I had a dream about him he makes it a point to add me.

I was being my typical lazy self when the doorbell rang, so once again my UPS man got to see me in my pajamas at 1pm. Oh well- we had a nice conversation, and all seems well, but he has never mentioned going out for coffee again, nor has he called me when I made it a point to say, ok well call me. So maybe he's given up the idea of going out together. No matter, I can pretty much tell we wouldn't be compatible. He might need someone a little more... normal.

In any case, I have been procrastinating about a lot of things, so I decided to do all those things today. Like I have to rent a car for work this weekend, and I am all freaked out about it, I don't know why. But I registered with the place online, and then got my shit together and went down there to get more details, because I didn't understand the plan entirely. I also dropped off some DVDs at the library, got new taps put on the worn heels of my shoes, called Elliot and met him for ice cream, and then went to buy some seeds.

Elliot was his usual semi-charming self. We talked about some supplies that he can hook me up with wholesale (lovely!). And when we saw a big dog I jumped behind him, and he really loved that, because he could feel all protective of me. And then he bought me my ice cream, as well as reaching up on high shelves to get products for me to look at. We had a nice long hug goodbye, and I was wearing my new bra, so overall I think it was a bright spot in Elliot's day.

I don't think I've mentioned my new bras- but when Gia was here we went lingerie shopping at a discount place. I happened also to discover that somehow my boobs have gotten bigger and for some time now I've been wearing the wrong size- a whole cup size too small. So I bought four bras in my new cup size and damn if life doesn't feel a whole lot better! One bra in particular is a Calvin Kleine pushup and it is quite... phenomenal... that's the one I was wearing today, much to Elliot's pleasure.

Then I went and bought a whole bunch of seeds... maybe too many, who can tell... but I am just excited about the prospect of spring and blooms and color. Afterward I thought about calling Bethany because that store is kind of near her house, but I was concerned about 1) whining and 2) her needing to go out to eat which we tend to inevitably do and would cost me money. Then I realized she was at her dance class anyway across town, and it wouldn't end for twenty minutes, so I decided to go home. Glad I did as it was starting to get a bit chilly and I had only dressed for warmer weather, with my breasts all... displayed nicely in my pushup. But by the time I was headed home I could have really used a sweater!

On the way I picked up some potting soil. It's a big job to clean out and organize my window boxes. There was something nice about the warmth of the evening and the light, I was tempted to take a walk but I was aware that I was really hungry too. The other night I had bought some really thick pork chops and decided to have that, I realized I really wanted mashed potatoes so I threw on jeans, t-shirt and flip flops and flipped and flopped over to the nearest store to buy a potato, onion and garlic... and set about making garlicky mashed potatoes (I haven't made mashed potatoes in years!), pork chop cooked with red onion and some rubbery broccoli (it wasn't wrapped properly in the fridge and got funny). Quite delicious, really.

So, that's a lot for one day. Considering that I have the capacity to stay inside all day doing nothing. But I don't want this summer to be like that. I need to get out and do things, enjoy the town, and do my projects.... otherwise time gets wasted.

So today I: reserved a car, finished the info for my stocks, called the hairdresser about getting a cut (waiting for a call back), made a dentist appt, fixed one pair of summer shoes, got seeds, and took care of library stuff.

Still to do: I have to find a birthday gift for my one main client (I always forget to buy him something until the last minute, and it always comes off as looking lame!), organize the rest of my week and do a bit of marketing.


Right now I really need to take the stress off my back and hip and maybe have a bath and a good night's sleep!


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