silkie [ 2012-11-05, 1:51 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

I have a sore throat today because I ate too much cheese yesterday... sigh.

Today I am feeling out of sorts and bummed out. My eyes feel tired a lot and I think I am wearing them out with too much computer. So I think I am going to do some eye yoga.

I have been eating WAY too much chocolate and garbage... I have to stop!

The big news is I finally had a conversation with Gia but I am almost too exhausted to explain it. The bottom line is, though, that I experienced her very much like Alphie in that she refused to take any responsibility for her own self. It is very depressing. Although I guess we are now on "speaking terms" I don't feel that I will ever really trust her again (unless she has some kind of major turnaround and apologizes and owns her own behavior). Seriously. She is similar to Alphie in that her world revolves around her, she doesn't ever want to be wrong, and she refuses to put her attention on any way that she might have failed to consider another person.

That's all I will say about that now. Today I am just feeling bummed about the molestation. I read the story about the silkie and how the silkie gets her skin stolen and then she is trapped. I can relate to getting my skin stolen because then it felt like a magical part of me was gone gone gone forever.

I guess it doesn't help that I just don't feel good today and I have a sore throat. Yesterday my parents and I stopped over at the neighbor's because my friend's daughter just turned three. They had a cheese plate, that was all there was to eat besides pizza and we were all starving because it was so close to dinnertime.

That is all for now.

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