the lotus dream [ 2013-07-02, 8:50 a.m. ]

So I had a dream that, among other things, I was replanting these lotus-type things in a bucket. Some of them had really thick roots, while another was missing that, and I said to the two other people with me that I thought someone had stolen the root from that one, and I was putting them back into the bucket anyway and hoping they would grow.

There were some other things too that I am less clear about- I think one of the people was a girl I went to high school with, and some guy that I can't remember. I think there was an issue of waiting for some cookies to be done. But the lotus planting, even if I was missing a root, seemed to be the main thing.

I am really stupid about staying up too late even when I have shit to do the next day. It's like my part of my brain thinks it's not so important... until I actually go to bed and think ahhhh I love sleep and I really have to do it more!!

I should remember how much I love sleep.

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