another cleanse [ 2013-07-05, 12:49 p.m. ]

The journey of lots of miles starts with one step...

I feel awful and I look awful. I am back to being bloated and overweight. I just can't seem to rein in my eating, I guess because it is the only way I have to emotionally comfort myself? It is a vicious cycle.

In any case I just ordered another parasite cleanse, just because I figure I have to do something, and I have to do something structured, not just willy-nilly where I'm trying to change my diet but it just doesn't work... I need pills and drops and a schedule (really, I should be shipped off to some detox unit where I am forced to do 4 hours of yoga a day and eat only fresh food, but, we'll do our best here).

So I had a dream about boundaries, doing a sexy breath with a guy, manifesting money and good health and also a boyfriend, and cleaning out my apartment (I also had a car!).

What do you know?


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