space [ 2005-11-27, 12:24 p.m. ]

Hi Diary,

Back again from the holiday. It was kind of tough. I'm just very sleep-deprived these days, I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep. Today I tried to sleep in, but have not been successful. So I think I'll just do nothing today.

And guess what? I have not called Alphie AT ALL. He and Grace left me a message on Thanksgiving, and I didn't even call them back. I just feel like I need space from them. So in about 6 weeks I've received 2 phone calls, one from Alphie and one from the both of them. Compared to me calling them every 3-4 days. I'm just savoring the difference, of not putting out any effort for them.

Then I got an email from Russell that he talked to them and Grace said she missed me a lot and I should call her. But if Grace missed me that much she could just call me herself, right?

Yes, I think so.

Anyway isn't it interesting that as soon as I made the decision not to interact with them for a while, I meet this guy Byron who calls me every night and emails me every day! It's crazy... and nice. We spend one to two hours on the phone every night just talking about nothing!

So life is good... I have no choice since I will see Alphie at another training in a few weeks and I will have to talk to him, but until then, I like my space.


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