another day gone- between pie and laziness [ 2008-10-30, 12:33 a.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Well, this was one of those days.

No, not one of THOSE days; one of the days the astrology lady recommended as a good one to contact M, if I wanted to.

But I ate about a half a pie by myself, I feel disgusting and don't fit into my pants. Something tells me it is not my best day to call my ex-boyfriend.

I was in quite a mood today anyway. I just don't feel good, have been eating like crap and my body hurts. I'm sure it's all related!!

So I didn't call... time has passed... did I miss an opportunity? Probably not. I'm not my best self at this moment. I'm obviously going through a rough patch (still).

Nov 4th, 12/13th were supposed to be good days for me. And Nov 28th is the next one till April. Really, if I'm not doing better by then, perhaps I should check into some kind of rehab!

Therapist said that being lazy and constantly eating pie can be a defense from feeling all the pain I am going through. I am just choosing to feel it in little spurts between pie and DVDs.

That therapist, she's so smart!

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