at peace (wishing) [ 2009-05-20, 11:41 p.m. ]


Dear Diary,

Today I took Keith into town- and he did much better than I thought he would. We went to meet the woman he wanted to see... she was a flake, and I could tell as soon as she opened the door. We said hello, and she ran away from us, proclaiming, "Can you believe this view?!?" Just another person who's afraid of human interaction...

Afterward, Keith felt kind of bad for having me take him out, and wait for him while he spoke to Nut-Girl, so he took me out to dinner. And I had steak. YUM. Then we took a long walk to the health food store, where he could get some of the food he needed, and by the time we took the bus home, we were both exhausted!

Things are relatively okay with Keith and me. I'm back in my bed, and Keith has made himself a little bed on the floor. He says it's better for his back than the couch, and even my bed.

I completely forgot that it was Smitten's birthday today... he's in Europe anyway, so I'm sure he's having a great time. I don't think I'm going to call him or email or text... I think I'll just send him a card, and see what happens from there. Maybe, we could at least be friends.

Still thinking of M, and missing what we had. This morning's dream felt like it involved him somehow. But I have a certain degree of faith in the Universe. After all, I prayed, "Fix this," regarding Alphie, and here Alphie is making the proposal to meet... (never mind that I'm not really sure if I want to meet... that's another story). So very often I will send my thoughts out about M... the sweetest possibility... a way that I will be happy no matter what.

I just want to be at peace.

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