checking in [ 2006-11-16, 3:52 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Here I am again.. I know I haven't been very good! But life has been super busy, and I've been working a ton, and taking some seminars to get more certification, etc. So I think things are going in a very positive direction. I still have a lot to do, but, my school loan is almost paid off. Just a couple hundred dollars to go- and- then there is the matter of the credit card, and paying off my mom, but that will be tackled in time.

Also, I have been dating up a storm. Just little dates, like dinner and things, but it's been fun. I am still closest to Don. He's spent the night a couple of times. We fool around, but don't have sex. I realized how much trouble I really have trusting men. I've been on my own for so long now, that I haven't really had to face this issue. And I don't know what to do about it now. I was afraid to let someone in my life because I felt like I would have to change. I have no excuse with Don- he doesn't seem to want to change anything about me, and he treats me like a queen. But still I am holding back. I can feel it. Granted we have never talked about being exclusive and I don't know where this is headed, but he did put me first in line on his friend's list on myspace. Ha ha!

More things to freak me out!

I need to clean my house, and I don't even know where to start...


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