reprogramming and things to be excited about [ 2008-01-31, 2:35 a.m. ]

Yes, it's me, the mad updater, slammin' them out about every six hours or so...

I did do lights out at midnight, rolled around for an hour, read a bit, and now thought I would update. I really like this book I am reading, it's about retraining your mind, and I see a lot of value in it, not just in terms of the M situation, but for many things.

I'm feeling a little better. The book is written in a very supportive tone, and I think I just have to be compassionate with myself. I'm a pretty strong, patient and sensitive person, and this is a very confusing situation. It wouldn't be easy for anyone, let alone just me.

I also can't wait to get my audio package!!!

I'm going to get up early tomorrow, regardless of how I feel... because I really need to shift this sleeping pattern.

Things I am excited about:

ONE: I am excited about work this month, and the ever-expanding possibility for making more money... I've now gone forward with ideas for developing a training for company executives who want to improve employee relations. I set a date for teaching it, and even though I only have a vague idea of what it will look like, it's put into motion.

TWO: I am excited about all of this mental programming, just having a new tool to help me find more peace and happiness in my life. I'm excited about the opportunity to create a new LIFE, actually... a life where I can feel better and have more possibilities for getting what I want.

THREE: I am excited about getting on a normal schedule (as weird as that sounds). I dunno, I had to pick three things, you know? I'm just trying to change my attitude here... but creating a better system where I feel better and look better.



Time to try to sleep. Again.


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