feeling slightly better [ 2008-07-13, 4:50 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Back again, still feeling better than yesterday. So all is good.

Today Delia and I have just been relaxing. She has a really nice house and lots of comforts, so it's nice. She and Bud decided not to have kids, so they spend their money on nice things for themselves. Sometimes I just want to run away here. But living and visiting are two different things.

I'm also reading a book by Alice Miller which is incredibly helpful. I keep forgetting to get books by her from the library! Dangit. But Delia had one on her shelf. In it Miller says that all depression is pretty much symptomatic of repressed childhood feelings. Wowee. So, as unpleasant as that is, at least it tells me that there is a workable solution to all of this. I think one of my biggest fears is that I will be heartbroken forever. Ugh. I could not handle it. Now at least I feel like, "Okay, I have some work to do, all I have to do is acknowledge my feelings and things will get better!"

I like to simplify things sometimes.

So today is officially my last full day here, I don't know if we are going to go shopping or hang out or what. I am just glad to be feeling slightly better...

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