i don't care [ 2004-09-16, 11:17 a.m. ]

Hi Diary,

Well, well, things have been going along. So busy at work, but I like it. Yesterday I only worked one shift, and it felt weird leaving so early in the day. I think I get a little addicted to working so much... THAT'S not good for me.

One thing that bothers me is the new girl at work, I know I just got the job but I worked there part time since April, so I'm really not new. I feel like she's trying to boss me around, and it really irks me. Might be me just overreacting, but I don't need somebody telling me what to do. Technically, I am supposed to be telling her what to do. Sometimes I am busy and leave things till the next day, I know I will get around to them. This girl comes on after me and feels the need to leave me notes and circle things left undone. I am on top of my shit, so this just annoys me. Don't know if I should explain my style to her, or just ignore her.

Mmm. Hadn't talked to Alphie since he took the time to tell me he had sex with someone else (which, I reiterate, is fine, but going out of his way to tell me about it... is a little strange?). He text messaged me on Monday, with one word: "Hello :)" I got so excited just seeing the message, but then I thought, I probably shouldn't answer back right away. I hate games, but unfortunately I have learned that showing my enthusiasm for this guy is not working out for me. For example, I've sent him a couple of nice cards in the mail, which he doesn't say anything about until I call HIM. And, he doesn't really initiate any calls or conversation.

So I asked Emily, a girl I work with, since she seems to have some very clear ideas about relationship stuff. She said not to text him back for at least two days. Then I asked my brother Kevin, and I told him about the whole, "oh, yeah, I had sex last week," thing. Kevin said, "Oh, yeah, that's a guy thing, he's trying to make you jealous... text message?! Don't answer back at all-- wait for the real phone call. Or else you'll just be text worthy for the rest of your life, and you're worth more than that." Good old Kevin.

So I was debating about it yesterday when Alphie called me at work. Ha ha. We had a light conversation, very brief, and he said he had to go work (of course) so I said, "okay, thanks for calling, email me sometime." (oops!) he said, "yeah, and vice versa." Doesn't matter, I won't. At this point, I don't care if I ever sleep with him again, seeing as how he is too much work and treats me like crap.

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