slow day [ 2007-12-19, 3:33 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Another slow day. Woke up with a very sore spot behind my neck. Haven't done much of anything, and actually not feeling very motivated to go to class, though I know I should...

Tomorrow I have another appointment with the practitioner from last week. It's almost like having therapy twice a week! Which actually feels pretty good. I am concerned about next week though, as it is the holidays and will involve my parents, their environment, and no therapeutic support. Shit.

Although I have to say I do feel I'm in a different place this week than last... very slowly moving towards... something, for myself. Also next week is M's birthday, and I don't know if I'm ready for more contact. I was thinking of just texting rather than calling, even though our agreement was that I would call. But since our last phone call was kind of weird (happy vibe and then no contact) I'm wondering if the best thing for me is no contact as well. I guess I have several days to figure it all out.

I suppose I should find something reasonably good to eat and go move my body around. So maybe I'll write later.


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