pissed [ 2007-12-21, 9:16 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Well, I didn't go anywhere. I just feel so TIRED, I can't get over it. My phone was turned off all day and I just decided to take Angel's advice and REST. I hope I can get myself together enough to go out and do errands tomorrow, is all I can say.

Now of course, I'm feeling a bit bored, but I guess I'll go to bed very soon. I just want to feel better- on every level- and maybe sleep will do it, I don't know. Maybe not.

I did do some writing, which always makes me feel a bit better, and some organizing.

Still feeling some anger, but haven't done anything about it. Just imagining M taking his tests today and then going out to celebrate with his friends. It pisses me off to think about him having a good time without me, it pisses me off that he can just NOT talk to me, it pisses me off that he doesn't MISS me, at least not enough to call or something like that. It pisses me off that he is going to his sister's for the holidays, and he made those plans while we were not talking and I didn't find out about them till after he bought the plane tickets. It pisses me off because I am alone, and feeling unloved.

Oh well oh well.

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