productive and good [ 2011-04-17, 2:05 p.m. ]

Dear Diary,

So one of the things I am doing on my day off is cleaning my house.

Well actually, I was looking for something in the closet, and I found all these bags of papers and miscellaneous things, since I am known to get easily overwhelmed and stash things in a bag and then stuff that in the closet. So I guess now is a good time to throw out a bunch of stuff I don't really need.

Now my house just looks worse than before, since I pulled all that stuff out.

Oh well. No worries. It's the cleaning process. And I officially start my fast tomorrow. The anxious feeling about not being able to eat anything has passed. Instead I feel pretty relieved that I will not have to grocery shop or cook for a week. And I don't really have anything on the docket for my own business, it's just the pt job, which a monkey can do... so it's okay if I am a little spacey during the week. Good planning, Duck! The only thing is Saturday will be kind of a long day and I will need all my faculties on that day, technically it is the last day of fasting unless I decide to extend it. I guess I shall see. Just looking forward to feeling better.

Spoke with Keith on the phone for awhile, he is leaving the country for a bit in the hopes that he can make some money doing his thing offshore. I guess it is good for him but he is always having some problems. I gave him some tips of how he might be able to stay on track, and he was receptive (he isn't always).

Also I got a ton of website and promotional work done, FB et al... and that feels good.

So, aside from the occasional cramps and beating myself up about being "lazy" (it's my day off, but it's hard for me to be nice to myself and allow myself to chill!), it was very productive and good.


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