berries and quitting etc [ 2014-07-13, 12:39 a.m. ]

Dear Diary,

Today I found a secret stash of blackberries, which makes me really happy since the secret stash of wild strawberries that I was raiding every time I walked the dogs is no longer bearing fruit. I'll be picking berries regularly before someone else in the neighborhood realizes they are there. I got bit by a million mosquitos while I was picking some earlier so now I am itchy.

Also, yesterday I gave notice to the lady I've been cleaning house for/driving around. I am so over the job since I feel she doesn't respect my time, works against me because she refuses to organize herself and is overall an unhappy person who infects with that energy... so... I am feeling good about that. I'm not quite sure what I will do but I would like to go back to doing presentations since it feels like more money for less work (or at least less interaction with other human beings).

I am too fat to wear a bathing suit, but I'm trying not to let that bum me out.

More later!


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